artistic collaborator
2022-2023Tekst, regie, scenografie
Jozef Wouters
Artistieke medewerkers
Barry Ahmad Talib, Michiel Soete
Barry Ahmad Talib, Maya Dhondt, Micha Goldberg, Naomi Lilith Quashie, Kamal Tall
Lichtontwerp en muziekcompositie
Michiel Soete
Dramaturgie Bryana Fritz
Kostuumontwerp Lila John
Inside eyes Enzo Smits, Lila John
Technische leiding Menno Vandevelde
Gebouwd door Decoratelier, Brussel (Bouwers: Jamy Hollebeke, Willem Rys, Jan Rymenants, Remco Wuyts, Vic Van den bossche)
Geluid Wouter Claryss Licht Sarah Feyen Stage Tom De Langhe
Productieleiding Vincent Focquet, Michiel Soete, Marie Umuhoza
Stagiairs Sophie Bax, Chloë Tempel, Freek Willems
Productie Damaged Goods
Coproductie Toneelhuis (Antwerpen), Wiener Festwochen (Wenen), PACT Zollverein (Essen), Perpodium
Premiere: 18-20 May 2023
Since 2019 Jozef Wouters has shared his Decoratelier in Brussels with Barry Ahmad Talib, an artist from Sagale (Guinee-Conakry)
During the long winter months, they cut thousands of leaves out of fabric for Barry’s tree sculptures. Out of those sessions, they weave a tissue of stories and sounds, and eventually, a show. Together with a group of builders, musicians, performers and poets they build a world between night and day, temporality and future, visibility and invisibility.
A Day is a Hundred Years is Jozef Wouters’ most personal work to date. With a turning stage and a scenography comprised of various layers, shadows and stories, Jozef and his team create a kind of planetarium within the space of the theatre. An infinitely mutable and negotiable space which trades the central perspective for a multitude of gazes, in which the scenography sees us more than we see it.
photos Illias Teirlinck