lightdesign, technical coordination
In Portraits, Aline Breucker and Quintijn Ketels portray two very different circus artists: Camille Paycha and Sander De Cuyper. The underlying idea is quite simple. The audience enters a studio where people are busy working and philosophising. In the meantime, the performers try to structure their ideas and to find a place for things. Portraits questions the links between movement and traces, between work and life. Existential questions such as “When you look at me, who am I looking at?” and “Is this a portrait of a person, a process or a relationship between two people?” float to the surface. A surprising portrait of the situation is created with circus techniques, drawings and monotypes.
Concept Aline Breucker & Quintijn Ketels
Direction Quintijn Ketels
Performers Aline Breucker, Camille Paycha, Sander De Cuyper
Scenography and costumes Aline Breucker
Music Iannis Heaulme
Dramaturgy Vincent Focquet
Choreographic advice German Jauregui
Assistant costumes Irma Morin
Technical coordination and lighting design Michiel Soete
Technical assistance set construction Gert De Cooman
Photography Jan Castermans, razziphoto, Simon Peeters, Maria Borressen